Transforming any space to one that’s made for you
A bespoke
residential painting experience
At Pearl Painting we take our customer’s vision seriously. Our painter ensure that the house if left more beautiful than when we entered. Our goal is to translate your vision into your home
Our Services
Residential Interior Painting
The first impressions happen when you take your first step through the door. A high-quality paint job can enhance the value of your home.
Residential Exterior Painting
Let us help you turn heads when people enter your neighborhood without breaking the bank. Our workmanship is unbeatable with painters with over 25+ years of experience.
Spray Finish for Cabinetry
Bring back the life in your house with spraying cabinetry. A well-done spray job can save you thousands during a reno and save you hours of manually painting.
Commercial Painting
Create a welcoming environment in your place of business with a new coat of paint. Not only does this help brighten up the space but improves productivity.
Wood & Brick Staining
Maintain the natural beauty of these materials while adding a layer of protection. Our expertise in this ensures a long-lasting coat.
Our Process
We’ve perfected our process into five easy steps.
Evaluate your space and provide a quote
Consult and collaborate to finalize paint colours
Prepare the site for painting
Paint the site to perfection
Final walkthrough to ensure satisfaction
Testimonials From Our Clients